Parents are often frustrated by how often their children are sick, especially if they are in school or day care. Keep in mind, though, that it can be normal for young children to have six to eight upper respiratory tract infections (with cough and runny nose) and two or three gastrointestinal infections (with vomiting and diarrhea) each year. Children in school and day care can have more -- known as "day care syndrome." As kids gets older, their immune system will usually strengthen and they will build up immunity to many common infections and will get sick less often, but that doesn't help you as your kids keep getting sick month after month.
Staying Healthy + stay on schedule with well child visits to your pediatrician. encourage your kids to wash their hands often, especially before they eat, after they use the bathroom, after handling animals or animal waste, and whenever they seem dirty. + teach your kids not to share glasses, water bottles, hats, towels, or other items with friends or family members. Since many infections are contagious even before you show symptoms, if you wait until someone is sick to stop drinking from their glass, it will likely be too late to avoid sharing their germs too. + tell your kids to never swallow the water when swimming, especially in lakes, ponds and public swimming pools. + have kids cover cuts and scratches, especially if they will be in a group setting, like a school locker room. teach your kids to keep their fingers and other items, + like pencils or pens, out of their mouths, so that they don't help germs get into their body. make sure your kids take any prescribed preventative medications, such as for asthma or allergies, every day. + teach kids to wash fruits and vegetables before they eat them and follow other food safety practices to prevent food poisoning. + consider seeing a pediatric immunologist if your child has any signs of an immune system problem, such as two or more episodes of pneumonia in one year, needing IV antibiotics to clear infections, or being on antibiotics for two or more months without any effect, etc.
Most importantly, avoid close contact with other people who are sick. However, since you can't always know when other people are sick, that may mean simply trying to avoid unnecessary contact with a lot of people if you have a newborn, infant, toddler, or preschool age child. That doesn't have to mean living in a bubble, but if your child is already in daycare, you may not want to also take him to the daycare at the gym or at church and expose him to a whole new set of kids and germs. You might also think twice about taking young kids to the mall, grocery store, and other places where there are a lot of people, or consider going during off-peak hours.
Healthy Living In addition to avoiding germs, following some basic principles of healthy living may help to keep your child's immune system in good shape. And even if they don't prevent your child from getting a cold or the flu, following these guidelines will help your child to be healthier while he is sick: + get a good night's sleep, which means about 11 to 12 hours for preschoolers and 10 to 11 hours for school age children. + encourage kids to eat healthy foods, including fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, lean meats, and whole grains, etc., and to not skip any meals. + be physically active for at least 60 minutes every day, through a combination of age-appropriate exercise and active free play. + if your child is overweight, help him get to a healthy weight through a combination of healthy eating and daily exercise. + don't smoke. + consider giving your child a multivitamin if you think that he doesn't eat well and is missing out on important nutrients, such as iron, vitamin D, and calcium, etc. + help your kids learn to manage stress.
Recipes of Tibet.
There is a special recipe from Tibet medicine for Body’s Rejuvenation: take 350 g of garlic, carefully wash and clean it, cut it to the small pieces and wipe this by wooden (by porcelain) spoon, take (from below, where more juice) 200 g of this mass, put it in a glass (clay) vessel, add 200 grammas of alcohol and close it densely. Hold this solution in a dark cool place for 10 days, and filter then this mixture through dense fabric (multi-layered gauze), wring out it and hold for 2–3 days. This tincture has to drink with cold milk (50 g) 3 times a day 20 minutes before a meal by drops on a chart:
The first day: breakfast is a 1 drop; dinner is 2 drops; a supper is 3 drops.
The second day: breakfast - 4 drops; dinner – 5; supper – 6.
The third day: breakfast is 7 drops; dinner – 8; supper – 9.
From 11th day take 25 drops with milk 3 times a day before the meal, till the end of prepared volume of tincture. You can repeat this rejuvenation course of treatment not earlier than in 6 years. A garlicky tincture purges an organism from fats, deposits of limes, improves the general exchange of matters, elasticity of vessels, defends from a heart attack, sclerosis, paralysis and formation of tumors, improves sight. But in case if you feel a discomfort during using this tincture stop it please and contact a doctor.
Svari Tanita BC 601 - profesionāli svari ar ķermeņa sastāva analizatoru. Mērījums: * svars * tauku un ūdens procentuāls saturs * ķermeņa masas indekss * netauku audu (kauli, muskuļi) * galveni metabolismu rādītāji * tauku un ūdens svaru saturs * diennaktu kaloriju norma * atmiņa uz četriem cilvēkiem ar SD atmiņas karti. Jaunākās tehnoloģijas ķermeņa satura monitors TANITA BC 601 – 5 segmentārā analīze – rokai, kājai un ķermenim. Tā unikālās īpašības: • Roku elektrodi segmentārai ķermeņa tauku % mērījumam, • ķermeņa tauku procentuālo sastāvu, • kopējo ķermeņa ūdens daudzumu %, • muskuļu masu un fizisko līmeni, • virspusējo tauku % daudzumu, • ķermeņa svaru, • vielmaiņas metabolismu, • kaulu svaru. InnerScan BC 601 papildus funkcijas: • atlētu režīms – kalkulācija atbilstoši fiziskajai sagatavotībai, • viesu režīms – ātrai diagnostikai, • 4 lietotāju atmiņas funkcija, • Svara kapacitāte 150 kg, • Graduācija 100g, • Izturīgs materiāls, • Baterijas komplektā, • 24 mēnešu garantija. Ķermeņa satura monitori ir nākošās paaudzes veselības aprūpes produkti. BC 601 ķermeņa satura monitors ir balstīts uz profesionālo ķermeņa satura analizatora pamatiem, kurus lieto stacionāros, veselības centros un profesionālos fitnesa klubos visā pasaulē. Tas ir paredzēts lietošanai 18 – 99 veciem interesentiem, jo bērni no 7 – 17 gadiem var lietot monitoru tikai, lai noteiktu savu svaru un ķermeņa tauku procentuālo sastāvu. Firmas TANITA ķermeņa satura monitori kalkulē jūsu ķermeņa saturu, lietojot progresīvu divkāršās frekvences tehnoloģiju. Šī tehnoloģija ir labāka par pamata BIA tehnoloģiju un nodrošina augstu mērījumu precizitāti. Droši, zema līmeņa elektrosignāli iet cauri ķermenim ar patentētu firmas TANITA pēdas plati, kas tiek novietota uz monitora platformas. Signāls viegli var izplatīties cauri muskuļu un citiem ķermeņa audiem, bet sasniedzot rezistenci, iet cauri ķermeņa taukiem kā maza šķidruma saturošiem audiem. Šo rezistenci sauc par pretestību. Pretestības mērījumi tiek tālāk ievadīti medicīniski izpētītās matemātiskās formulās, nodrošinot ķermeņa mērījumus.
izmēri 10,5 sm x 46,0 sm. I edarbības zonas: piemērots jūtīgai ādai un lokālai pielietošanai mugurkaula kakla, krūšu un krustu zonā. Saaukstēšanās gadījumos var aizstāt sinepju plāksterus. Ljapko aplikators Kvadro izgatavots kā elastīga gumijas plāksne, uz kuras nostiprinātas adatas no organismam nepieciešamiem metāliem: cinka, vara, dzelzs, niķeļa un sudraba. Aplikatora lietošana – optimāls paņēmiens, kas neprasa īpašas pūles, lai atbrīvotos no noguruma, uzlādētos ar dzīvības enerģiju uz veselu dienu un efektīvi novērstu sāpes. Adatiņas efektīvi ietekmē reflektorās zonas un akupunktūras punktus. Ljapko aplikators dod apbrīnojamus rezultātus pateicoties galvaniskās strāvas impulsam, kad adatas saskaras ar ādu, izsaucot mikroelektroforēzes efektu. Tā organismā nonāk labām dzīvības funkcijām nepieciešami metāli: cinks, varš, dzelzs, niķelis un sudrabs. Lietošana: pirmo piecu minūšu lietošanas laikā relatīvi nepatīkamā diskomforta sajūta no aplikatora adatiņu iedarbības mainās un, rodoties spēcīgam siltumam, kļūst par komfortablu sajūtu, patīkamām „vibrācijām”, durstīšanu. Pēc tam var rasties vispārēja atslābuma sajūta, miegainība, kas reizēm pāriet veselīgā, pilnvērtīgā miegā. • Pretsāpju, tonizējošam efektam, darba spēju palielināšanai (dienā), kā arī novājinātiem pacientiem un bērniem aplikatora darbības laiks 5 – 15 minūtes; • Izteiktu sāpju novēršanai, miega efektam (vakarā) – 20 – 25 minūtes. Kursa ilgums 1 – 3 nedēļas, bet reizēm 2 – 3 dienas. Atkārtots kurss pēc 1 – 3 nedēļām. UZMANĪBU! Ja diskomforta sajūta turpinās 10 -15 minūtes, aplikatorus jānoņem un drīkst lietot tikai pēc 5 – 10 stundām vai nākošajā dienā, ietverot mazāku zonu. Aplikatoriem jāizraisa tikai patīkamas sajūtas. Aplikatora adatiņas, saskaroties ar ādu, to neievaino. Ljapko aplikatorus var izmantot jebkurā vecumā.