Aleksey Radchenko, Certified specialist in acupuncture
Svetlana Laputjko, Specialist in homeopathy
Psychotherapist Alexander Moshkin
Atmest smēķēšanu
Caurdurt ausis
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about us

Health Centre ROS - Be in good health at any age!

The main aim of the "ROS" Health Centre is to combine various medical approaches, both Eastern and Western, into one whole medicine. Ancient people called it the Art of Medical Treatment.
The ROS Health Centre has the status of the out-patient and Innovation Centre of the Latvian Association of Holistic Medicine and Naturopathy (LHMNA) under the auspices of the Latvian Medical Society (LAB).
The Centre has been in operation since 1995. During this time specialists from our country as well as from other countries of the world such as Russia, Ukraine, China, Mongolia, Lithuania, India and Philippines have worked and continue to work in our centre.
International innovative and research medical programmes are organized in partnership with specialists from Russia, Israel, German, Poland, Estonia and China. The ROS Health Centre and our personnel are known as active participators in organizing and holding international congresses, conferences and seminars on alternative medicine and fields related thereto in our country.
Medical center ROS for the 5 last years has been actively cooperated with international KOLO organisation in the medicine field, health technics and healthy lifestyle popularization.
The Centre is an official representative of BEMER equipment in Latvia!

Our goal is to help you be in good health!

For this reason we, specialists of different medical branches, have united in order to unite all the best traditions of Western and Eastern medicine - the best of official and alternative treatment methods. We have united all our experience, knowledge, skills and aspirations to help people.
For this purpose we have studied long and diligently and indeed continue to study and improve our skills.
To do this, many of us have declined other opportunities to improve ourselves in other fields - which probably would have made us richer and more famous.
As every person has his own road to follow.
Each of us has made his choice to help you – the people who need us.

President of firm
Alexander Moshkin

licenses un certificates
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Attīrīts Mumijо 0,45g 60kaps

8.60 €

Sastāvā ir mumijo, kas iegūts no Tiaņ-šaņ kalnu dabīgiem minerālorganiskiem veidojumiem, sastāvā ir mikro- un makroelementi un rekomendējams kā uztura bagātinātājs organisma spēcināšanai.



 2 kapsulās (0,9 g): attīrīts mumijs 0,7 g, želatīns.



pieaugušie 1-2 kaps. dienā, no rīta un vakaros, 20 -30 min. pirms ēšanas. Lietot 10 dienas., 3-5 d. pārtraukums. Pēc tam var lietot, līdz 20 -28 dienām.

Kapsulas lietot kopā ar sulu, tēju, ūdeni.


Lietošanas ierobežojumi:

individuāla komponentu nepanesamība, paaugstināta jutība pret preparātu. 



7.10 €

Sastāvs 15g (3 tējkarotēs): smiltsērkšķu eļļas (Hippophaes rhamnoides) koncentrāts

(karotinoīdi 435 mg/100g) - 1,95g, rafinēta augu eļļa (mandeļu eļļa, sezama eļļa

vai vīnogu eļļa) – 13,05g.


Enerģētiskā vērtība -884 Kkal/100g.


Rekomendē  kā vispār stiprinošu līdzekli, beta-karotīna, vitamīna E avotu.


Ieteicamā diennakts deva – 15g (3 tējkarotes).


Lietošanas ieteikums: pieaugušiem  pa 5g (1 tējkarotei) trīs reizes dienā, pirms lietošanas sakratīt.


15 g produkta satur: vitamīnu E – 4,44mg (44,4% no IDD); vitamīnu A – 9,75mkg (1,22 % no IDD);  

*IDD-ieteicamā diennakts deva.


Lietošanas ierobežojumi:  individuāla produkta komponentu nepanesība.

Ieteicams: neizmantot uztura bagātinātāju kā pilnvērtīga un sabalansēta uztura aizvietotāju; nepārsniegt ieteicamo diennakts devu.




Svetlana Laputko    psychiatrist    trauma or stroke    Aleksey Radchenko    Igor Shelegov    Acupuncture   Alexander Moshkin    intervertebral disks    neuroses    neuroses    Psychoanalysis    children and adolescents    teenagers    Svetlana Laputko    sonography    Aleksey Radchenko    ultrasonography    Igor Shelegov    Acupuncture    Acupuncture   Acupuncture    psychiatrist   Alexander Moshkin    intervertebral disks    neuroses   intervertebral disks    trauma or stroke    sonography    Svetlana Laputko    ultrasonography    neuroses   Acupuncture    Aleksey Radchenko    psychiatrist    Igor Shelegov    Psychoanalysis    Acupuncture    intervertebral disks   Alexander Moshkin    neuroses    Svetlana Laputko    sonography    children and adolescents    ultrasonography    Aleksey Radchenko    Igor Shelegov    Acupuncture   Alexander Moshkin    teenagers    Acupuncture   Acupuncture   intervertebral disks    trauma or stroke    Svetlana Laputko    Aleksey Radchenko    neuroses    Psychoanalysis    Igor Shelegov    psychiatrist    intervertebral disks    neuroses    Acupuncture    children and adolescents    sonography    ultrasonography   Alexander Moshkin   Acupuncture    Svetlana Laputko    Aleksey Radchenko    Igor Shelegov   

All rights are protected. © 'ROS' Ltd, 2008
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