Aleksey Radchenko, Certified specialist in acupuncture
Svetlana Laputjko, Specialist in homeopathy
Psychotherapist Alexander Moshkin
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Herbal supplement used to treat addiction and pain
Alcohol may be less harmful for people over 50
Experimental Ebola treatments effective in lab study
Sleep disorder predicts risk
People with osteoporosis should avoid spinal poses in yoga
Increased Risk of Harm from Cannabis
Reversing hearing loss by regrowing hairs
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Mens sana in corpore sano. (A healthy mind in a healthy body).

London calling for Anthony Joshua with Tottenham’s stadium a likely venue
Chisora calls for a clash with Usyk
UFC 242 brings fan fervour with Khabib vs. Poirier fight in Abu Dhabi
Yan Bingtao beats Mark Joyce in the final
Mairis Briedis on way to controversial WBO world title win
'I think it's a goodbye,' says Chelsea forward
O’Sullivan reaches 1,000 career centuries
Friday's Arsenal transfer rumours
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