Aleksey Radchenko, Certified specialist in acupuncture
Svetlana Laputjko, Specialist in homeopathy
Psychotherapist Alexander Moshkin
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   Treatment Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a part of traditional Chinese medicine. Acupuncture relies on a number of therapeutic effects: it mobilizes the resources of the organism and enhances its resistance to pathological factors; it normalizes functional condition of organs; it normalizes and balances hormones and other biologically active substances which are vital for controlling physiological processes; it normalizes endocrine functions; it stimulates cortical substance of adrenal gland; it stimulates leucocytes; it helps to increase the number of antibodies which enhances host defense.

Chinese Acupuncture Affects Brain's Ability To Regulate Pain.
Acupuncture Aid For Diabetics.
Acupuncture may help you through allergy season.
Acupuncture is grounded in science, not myth and magic.
Vet points to pet acupuncture as a way to heal.
Treating Allergies With Acupuncture.
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   Treatment Homeopathy

Similia similibus curantur! “Doctor’s highest and sole mission is to restore his patient’s health” – any homeopath practicing classical homeopathy is guided by this slogan. The essence of homeopathic treatment is to prevent acute illness developing into a chronic one. If the chronic disease has set in, the aim of homeopathic treatment is to eradicate it and restore patient’s health and joy of life. The main difference between homeopathic and allopathic medicine is that it considers a human being as a single system and it cures body and mind simultaneously. Homeopathy cures the cause of disease. It does not act upon bacteria or viruses but stirs up host defense.

Prof. George Vithoulkas at the Swedish Parliament.
Council of Europe speech.
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   Treatment Psychotherapy

Ad cogitandum et agendum homo natus est! Everybody experiences stress, bad luck and tension in their life. It is not the purpose of psychotherapy to make individual’s life carefree. If you are not able to get the job that you would like to have, psychotherapy has nothing to do with it. If on the other hand, you have panic attacks before job interviews or if conflicts at work have become commonplace, you should seek specialist advice. Psychotherapy is relevant if your problems originate in your mind and you have difficulty facing reality of everyday life. Furthermore, psychotherapy is indicated to people suffering from depression, fear, anxiety, insomnia, neurotic disorders, stress or grief. Family counseling is able to help couples who cannot resolve their problems or contradictions. Psychotherapy aims to help people remove emotional strain and enhance their ability to make a choice. Besides, psychotherapy develops their behavioural strategies and restores the ability to cope with problems in a self-reliant manner.

Psychotherapy for Depression.
   Treatment BEMER THERAPY

In the recent years, high emphasis has been placed on treatment and preventive treatment by activating internal resources of the body. This is the underlying concept of BEMER therapy. BEMER therapy is a revolutionary discovery in the treatment by electromagnetic field. This new approach to treatment is now available in Latvia. Medical Centre ROS is offering therapy by light and by impact electromagnetic field by means of BEMER 3000 - a state-of-the-art device. This is a new form of medication based on therapy by electromagnetic field. The most distinct results have been observed in the cases of degeneration, arthrosis, diseases of respiratory tract, chronic fatigue, derangement of circulation of the blood, infectious diseases, migraines, fractures, healing wounds, nervous exhaustion, stress, dysbolism, tumors etc. Continuous treatment by this device enhances energetic condition of the body, strengthens the immune system and improves efficiency. A number of people undergo BEMER therapy as preventive treatment.

BEMER VET (video).
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Turmalīna apsējs ar magnētiem

8.50 €

Universālsizmērs: garums45 cm, platums9 cm.

Turmalīna apsēja lietošana:
Vispirms jāsamitrina turmalīna kakla apsēja centrālā daļa, kas izdala siltumu. Pēc tam tā jānofiksē tieši uz ādas vietā, kur ir sāpju sajūta. Parasti aptuveni pēc 5-10 minūtēm rodas manāma siltuma sajūta. Ja pēc lietošanas uzsākšanas uz ādas rodas dedzināšanas sajūta,        tā ir normāla parādība, kas nebūt nekaitē ādai. Tomēr, ja paciest dedzinošu sajūtu grūti, pārtrauciet seansu. Apsēju var lietot arī nesamitrinot ar ūdeni – šādā gadījumā ir nepieciešams ilgāks laiks, lai izdalītos siltums. Ieteicamais kurss: pirmo seansu ilgums ir 3 minūtes (pēc siltuma sajūtas parādīšanas) 2 reizes dienā, pēc 7 dienām laiku var pagarināt, ik pēc 7 dienām pievienojot 1 minūti, līdz viena seansa ilgums sasniegs 5-7 minūtes 2 reizes dienā, un turpināt šādu režīmu 3 mēnešus. Pēc mēneša pārtraukuma kursu var atkārtot.

Aizliegts izmantot izstrādājumu augstas temperatūras gadījumā, ja ir tieksme uz asiņošanu, temperatūras jūtīguma traucējumu gadījumos, kā arī zonās, kur ir ādas bojājumi.
Grūtniecēm un barojošām māmiņām ieteicams atturēties no kakla uzliku izmantošanas.
Kakla uzlikas uzmanīgi jālieto cilvēkiem, kas sirgst ar kardiostimulatoriem.
Produkciju uzmanīgi jālieto cilvēkiem, kuriem ir tieksme uz alerģiskām reakcijām.

Piezīme: Var izmantot plaukstas, elkoņa, ceļa pēdas locītavās.


Mārdadža eļļa 250ml

5.80 €

Pārtikas produkts.
Satur bioloģiski aktīvās vielas, kuras palīdz palielināt organisma izturību pret ārējās vides nelabvēlīgiem faktoriem.

Sastāvs:  Mārdadža eļļa (Silybum marianum L.) iegūta ar aukstās presēšanas metodi, 100%


Lietošana: 1 deserta karote 2 – 3 reizes dienā 30 min. pirms ēšanas, neko neuzdzerot.


Ražotājs: SIA  ELPIS


trauma or stroke    psychiatrist    neuroses    intervertebral disks    neuroses    sonography    ultrasonography    Svetlana Laputko    Aleksey Radchenko    Igor Shelegov   Acupuncture    Psychoanalysis    children and adolescents    psychiatrist    intervertebral disks    teenagers    Acupuncture    Acupuncture   Alexander Moshkin    Svetlana Laputko    neuroses   intervertebral disks    Aleksey Radchenko    trauma or stroke    sonography    neuroses    Psychoanalysis    Igor Shelegov    ultrasonography    Acupuncture    children and adolescents   Acupuncture    teenagers    Acupuncture    psychiatrist   Alexander Moshkin   intervertebral disks    Svetlana Laputko    intervertebral disks    Aleksey Radchenko    Igor Shelegov    Acupuncture   Alexander Moshkin    neuroses    Svetlana Laputko    sonography    trauma or stroke    Aleksey Radchenko    Igor Shelegov    neuroses    ultrasonography    Psychoanalysis    Acupuncture    children and adolescents   Alexander Moshkin   Acupuncture    teenagers    Acupuncture    Svetlana Laputko    psychiatrist   intervertebral disks    trauma or stroke    Aleksey Radchenko    intervertebral disks    neuroses    Igor Shelegov    sonography    neuroses    Acupuncture    ultrasonography   

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