A doctor with many years’ practice both in traditional and non-traditional medicine. One of the founders and most experienced specialists in modern homeopathy in Latvia.
* A most experienced acupuncture therapist. She has a vast experience in the treatment of paresis of facial nerve. * Graduated from Riga Medical Institute in 1962. * Department of neurology at Institute of Advanced Training; * a course of acupuncture (1973); * a course of Homeopathy (1987); * International Academy of Classical Homeopathy (1996-2001). * S.Laputko has been with ROS since 2001.
Certified psychotherapist. Graduated from Latvian Medical Academy in 1993. Specialized: * Psychodynamic or Psychoanalyst therapy (1997-2001, Latvian Medical Academy). * Gestalt therapy (2000-2002, RGI). * Erickson’s hypnosis (1998-2001, IGISP, Moscow; ROS, Riga). * Infantile and Juvenile Psychoanalysis (2005-2008, Finland). * Specialist in acupuncture and non-traditional medicine (1995-1996, Latvian Medical Academy).
Therapist. Certified specialist in acupuncture. Specializes in back diseases including hernia of intervertebral disks, movement disorders caused by trauma or stroke, and neuroses. Graduated from Latvian Medical Academy in 1993. Specialization: * Diagnostics and therapy by Voll (“EIDOLA”, Riga) 1995. * Bio-resonant therapy (Centre “IMEDIS”, Moscow) 1995. * Homeopathy (Homeopathic Association, St.Petersburg) 1996. * Acupuncture (Prof. N.Nikolaev, Riga) 1997. * Medical Astrology (Course by R.Zakharyan, Moscow) 1998-2002. * Disciple and official successor of Professor In (Shenyan, China) 2000.
1994.gadā produktam piešķirta zelta balva par izcilu Fudjaņas (Fudjian) provinces, Ķīna veselīgā produkta kvalitāti, kā arī uzvarētāja balva par izcilu kvalitāti.
Tējas ikdienas lietošana palīdzēs pilnveidot savu iekšējo un ārējo skaistumu.
Šīs tējas sastāvā ir vairāki reti Ulung tējas, Lotusa un Plantago (ceļmallapas) lapas.
Dzēriens satur daudz aminoskābju, bagāts ar vitamīniem un retzemju elementiem, visu to, kas tik ļoti nepieciešams cilvēka organismam.
Ulung tēja - ir ilgtermiņa lietošanas veselības dzēriens, bez jebkādiem blakus efektiem.
Lietošanas instrukcija: izņemt vienu iepakojumu tējas, ielikt traukā un uzliet 200ml verdoša ūdens, ļaut dzērienam nostāvēties 10-15 minūtes. Ieteicams lietot pēc maltītes.