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Chisora confident of victory


Dereck Chisora says he cannot wait to take on Wladimir Klitschko after being given a second chance to face the world heavyweight champion.

WBA title holder David Haye had been tipped to fight IBF and WBO champion Klitschko after the latter was forced to pull out of his original fight with Chisora due to injury. However talks between the two camps broke down, with Klitschko opting to take a rearranged bout with Chisora on April 30 instead. Chisora is delighted to be given another chance of upsetting the odds and the 14-fight novice is not deterred by his underdog status.

"I can't wait to get into the ring and smash the living daylights out of Wladimir," he said. "He has so many weaknesses. I don't care how many fights I've had. I would have taken him on in my first fight." Chisora's promoter Frank Warren said that the Ukrainian had no obligation to take a rescheduled fight and believes Haye and manager Adam Booth are at fault for stalled negotiations over the unification bout. "The contract between ourselves and Wladimir had a get-out clause in it that said he could fight someone else if he pulled out," Warren said.

"It was no secret that they were talking to Haye but thankfully, true to form, Adam Booth and David Haye made it an easy decision for them. "I read some of the things that have been said from Adam Booth and David Haye about how difficult the Klitschkos were, but I have dealt with them on two occasions and I can honestly say that Adam Booth is without a doubt the most difficult person I've ever had to deal with in boxing. "What is he (Haye) doing fighting Audley Harrison when he could have fought Klitschko? "You have to be an idiot not to know that they (the Klitschkos) want to make the (Haye) fight."

Verbal sparring
Meanwhile, Klitschko has continued the war of words with Haye, claiming that the British fighter has not been telling the truth about the negotiations. "He's telling everyone, 'I'm going to retire by the end of the year and I will have my legacy'. He's going to have a legacy for the Audley Harrison fight - the most exciting heavyweight fight in history," he told ESPN.

He added: "This guy will eventually fight me. He will eventually fight me because everything coming out of his mouth is a lie. But if he does retire, he'll be a loser with no legacy in the heavyweight division at all."

  Chisora confident of victory  


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