Aleksey Radchenko, Certified specialist in acupuncture
Svetlana Laputjko, Specialist in homeopathy
Psychotherapist Alexander Moshkin
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   Treatment Acupuncture

Acupuncture may help you through allergy season.


Although spring is always welcome after a long winter, it is also the time of year when many people suffer from seasonal allergy symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing and itchy, watery eyes. Seasonal allergies are due to an overreaction of the immune system to certain allergens or airborne particles such as pollen. Western medical treatment usually involves the use of antihistamines or steroids to control allergy symptoms. Unfortunately, allergy medications can cause a variety of side effects and may be ineffective to some allergy sufferers or are unwelcome to those who prefer to avoid medications when possible. Fortunately for many, acupuncture offers effective relief either as an alternative to conventional methods of treatment, or in conjunction with them. Treatment can help to alleviate symptoms, improve energy levels and may also reduce the frequency and severity of future allergic reactions. With Chinese medicine, the lungs, kidney and immune system often play a role in the cause of seasonal allergies. These allergies are very often due to a kidney deficiency because the kidneys are responsible for breathing as well as sneezing. The kidneys also play a role in our immune system so when the kidneys are weak, our immunity is affected. In the case of seasonal allergies, this manifests as a hyper-reactive immune response. The more severe the kidney deficiency, the more frequently the allergies are experienced—this includes non-seasonal allergies to things such as dust, fungus or animals. A kidney deficiency leaves the body susceptible to external environmental invasions, leading to an invasion of wind in the nose when allergy symptoms begin to occur. Wind-cold pattern will produce symptoms of sneezing, profuse runny nose with white-watery discharge, pale complexion, stuffed nose, slight headache and no thirst. Wind-heat pattern will lead to sneezing, runny nose with white-watery discharge, itchy throat, itchy red eyes and slight thirst. During allergy season, frequent acupuncture treatments focus on alleviating the symptoms experienced and often yield a quick response. Patients may notice a decrease in their nose stuffiness, sneezes and number of itching episodes around the eyes, as well as an increase in overall energy levels. Outside of allergy season, treatments may be less frequent and focus on correcting the underlying imbalance in order to strengthen the body and boost the immune system in order to prevent future allergic reactions from reoccurring. Some simple lifestyle changes can also make a tremendous impact on allergy symptoms. In addition to a health-promoting diet and avoiding allergy triggers, well-ventilated living and working environments and regular exercise to help cleanse and strengthen the lungs will help with allergy symptoms. Combined with such changes, acupuncture offers an effective tool for the treatment of seasonal allergies. For those who are looking for a natural alternative to conventional allergy treatment, it is well worth considering.


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Rožainās rodiolas ekstrakts 100ml

4.20 €

Sastāvs 20 pil.: šķidrais rožainās rodiolas jeb zelta saknes ekstrakts 1 ml, kas gatavots no rožainās rodiolas (RhodiolaRosea) saknēm uz 40% tilp. etilspirta bāzes attiecībā 1:5.

Zelta sakne palīdz uzturēt normālu asinsrites sistēmas funkciju, tādā veidā nodrošinot šūnas ar skābekli un uzturvielām.

Zelta saknes ekstrakts palīdz organismam pielāgoties emocionāla stresa, fiziskas piepūles gadījumā, palīdz stimulēt nervu sistēmu, ir labvēlīga ietekme, ja nogurumu un galvassāpes izraisījis stress, palīdz, ja ir miega grūtības, slikta apetīte, samazinātas darba spējas.

Pirms lietošanas saskalot.

Ieteicamā diennakts deva – 20 pil.(1 ml)


Pieaugušie lieto ekstraktu iekšķīgi 15 - 30 min. pirms ēšanas pa 5-10 pil.* (0,25 ml-0,5 ml) uz 1/3 glāzes silta, vārīta ūdens divas reizes diennaktī.


*20 pilieni = 1 ml

Alk. 34 % tilp.

Lietošanas ierobežojumi: individuāla komponentu nepanesamība, paaugstināta jutība pret produktu. Ieteicams neizmantot uztura bagātinātāju kā pilnvērtīga un sabalansēta uztura aizvietotāju; nepārsniegt ieteicamo diennakts devu.


Glabāt vēsā, tumšā, bērniem nepieejamā vietā.

Neto tilpums: 100 ml  

Ražots ES (Latvijā) pēc SIA ELPIS, Ganību dambis 26, Rīga.


TIENS cinks 60 kapsulas x 0,262g

22.50 €

Tjaņši kapsulas ar cinka piedevu/Tianshi Zinc Capsules

Uztura bagātinātājs

Glikoze                                                 143 mg / 572 mg / 1144 mg;

Olu baltuma pulveris                         50 mg / 200 mg / 400 mg;

Cinks (cinka laktāts)                           1 mg(10% no IDD*)/ 4 mg(40% no IDD) /8 mg(80% no IDD);

pretsalipes vielas: magnija stearāts , talks; želatīns.

IDD* - Ieteicamā diennakts deva

Ieteicams kā papildus cinka avots.


Lietot divas reizes dienā, uzdzerot siltu ūdeni.

No 3-10 gadu vecuma: 2 kapsulas katru reizi. Virs 10 gadiem: 4 kapsulas katru reizi

Glabāšana: uzglabāt tumšā ,vēsā, sausā un labi vēdināmā vietā

Šo produktu nav paredzēts lietot kā zāļu aizvietotāju.

Šis produkts pamatā gatavots no cinka laktāta, glikozes un olu baltuma pulvera.

Funkcionālos eksperimentos norādīts, ka šis produkts bagātina ar cinku.

Nepārsniegt ieteicamo diennakts devu.

Neiesaka lietot kopā ar līdzīga satura produktiem.

Neizmantot uztura bagātinātāju kā pilnvērtīga un sabalansēta uztura aizvietotāju.

Uzglabāt bērniem nepieejamā vietā.

Produkts derīgs 24 mēnešus no ražošanas datuma.

Ražotājs: Tianjin Tianshi Biological Development Co., Ltd.



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