Aleksey Radchenko, Certified specialist in acupuncture
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   news News of medicine. 2009 | Archive

Alternative Medical Treatments for Colitis.


Colitis is the inflammation of the colon. This is a disease that significantly alters a person's life. It can make you feel uncomfortable going places, therefore, making you home-bound. There are many new alternative treatments and products that may help relieve the severity of your symptoms. Boswellia is an herb that comes from a tree native to India. This herb has been found to block chemical reactions involved in inflammation.

When people with colitis tried boswellia, it did not seem to cause the usual gut irritation that can occur when using your traditional pain relievers. Another alternative to helping with relief from colitis symptoms is prebiotics. Prebiotics is a natural compound found in plants. Artichokes, bananas, green beans, onions, and raisins are known to have this compound. Prebiotics helps to fuel beneficial intestinal bacteria.

Acupuncture has also been known to benefit people with colitis. This procedure involves inserting needles in your skin, which is known to stimulate the release of the body's natural painkillers. Diet and nutrition are also essential in maintaining and treating colitis. A diet rich with vitamin C was found to have a protective effect, and lower the risk of getting colitis. Examples of foods rich in vitamin C are strawberries, spinach, and red peppers. Drink lots of fluids to keep your body hydrated. This will prevent constipation. Take a multivitamin supplement. A deficiency in many of the vitamins found in a multivitamin can aggravate your colitis.

Back to health mineral detox is a two step, 56 day detox. This detox is made up of dietary supplements made of specific minerals that have been shown to remove viruses, fungi, and toxins from your cells. For more information and details about this product go to Bromelain is a mixture of protein-digesting enzymes derived from pineapple stems, and has been known to reduce inflammation. Daily oral treatments of bromelain have been known to decrease the incidences and severity of your colitis.

The millions of people who suffer from colitis or any debilitating disease have hopes in finding that one product or method that will give them their quality of life back. Another important thing to remember is to reduce your stress through exercise or meditation. Please consult your doctor before trying and new treatments or alternative medicines.

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Detox Foot Patches plāksteri 14 gab

13.50 €

Plāksteris Detox Foot Patches izgatavoti no augstvērtīgiem produktiem-100% dabiska, bio un ekoloģiski tīra izejmateriāla.
SASTĀVS: Koksnes un bambusa etiķis, turmalīns, ametists, sirdslapu dokudami, japānas mespils.
Pateicoties jaunu tehnoloģiju pilnveidošanai par šo plāaksteri ir izsniegts sertifikāts par atbild'tibu Eiropas standartiem. Plāksteru darbības mehānisms pamatojas un refleksoterapijas metodi. Pēdas apakšējā virsmā atrodas vairāk kā 60 bioaktīvi akupunktūras punkti - mūsu ķermeņa galveno orgānu projekcijas vietas. Iedarbojoties uz šiem punktiem var veikt organisma attīrīšanu no šlakvielām. 

Plāksteris darbojas kā magnēts, absorbējot toksīnus, kas asins un limfas osmotiskā spiediena ietekmē izdalās caur ādas porām. Izmantojot ķermeņa siltumu, plāksteris stimulē sviesdru izdalīšanos, bet sviedri, kas satur toksīnus un šlakvielas, pilnībā iesūcas plāksterī. Toksīnu izvadīšana kopā ar atjaunošanu no iekšienes ļauj sakārtot organisma funkcijas un pastiprina tā spēju pašam izvadīt toksīnus un izdziedināt sevi.

Iepakojumā: 14 plāksteri.

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Austrumu medicīnbā gadsimtiem ilgi pastāv uzskats, ka pa dienu toksīni uzkrājas ķermeņa lejasdaļā 


Accu-Chek Softclix lancetes 25

4.00 €

Vienreizējas lietošanas lancetes Accu-Chek Softclix.
Izmanto Accu Chek Softclix, Accu-Chek Softclix Classic, Softclix, Softclix 2, Softclix Plus.
Ražotājs: Roche Diagnostics, Vācija.
Iepakojumā: 25gab.


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