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Fifa investigates Maradona tirade.


Argentina coach Diego Maradona is to be investigated by Fifa following his furious outburst after the World Cup victory in Uruguay on Wednesday.

Maradona delivered an expletive-laden tirade, broadcast on live TV, that was directed at reporters and critics after his side qualified for the 2010 finals. Fifa president Sepp Blatter said there was "no alternative" but to ask Fifa's disciplinary committee to open a case. Maradona, 48, could be banned for a minimum of five matches and fined.

However, the head of the Argentine Football Federation, Julio Grondona, claimed: "If it were another coach or player, the matter would not have had such importance. "Everybody knows he's a temperamental person and he's already said he won't speak like that again." Maradona has appeared on Argentine radio and television but on both occasions he refused to apologise to the press for his outburst. "I don't have to apologise," he told Radio Continental on Thursday. "All I was doing was reacting to all those people who have spoken out against me. That's as far as it goes. "I'm not going to perform a U-turn. Everyone knows what has been said. It seems to me that a lot of journalists wanted the national team not to qualify for the World Cup finals. "For me, that's anti-Argentine and is something I can't forgive."

On Friday he told TyC Sports television: "I apologise to women, to my mother, to Argentinian women, to Uruguayan women and to women throughout the world. But only to them, not the others." Fifa is understood to be investigating whether Maradona's comments breach Article 58 of the organisation's disciplinary code. The relevant passage reads: "Anyone who offends the dignity of a person or group of persons through contemptuous, discriminatory or denigratory words or actions concerning race, colour, language, religion or origin shall be suspended for at least five matches.

"Furthermore, a stadium ban and a fine of at least 20,000 Swiss Francs shall be imposed." Maradona is a football icon in Argentina following his success as a player but his time as the national team's coach has been hugely controversial, with Argentina having struggled to reach the 2010 finals in South Africa. As a player he produced a series of stellar displays to guide them to victory in the 1986 World Cup and then helped them reach the final, which they lost to Germany, four years later.

But his time as coach has included a 6-1 defeat in Bolivia and a 3-1 home loss to Brazil and the fans had feared they might not make it to South Africa. Going into the final two qualifying matches a poll showed that the majority of Argentina fans thought Maradona was unfit to coach the national team, but in the end Argentina won both games to book their ticket to South Africa. They were both were scrappy victories requiring late goals, although a draw in their final game against Uruguay would have been enough to earn a spot at the finals.


BBC Sport

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Iedarbības zonas: sejas virsmai. Efektu no veltnīša iedarbības sasniedz daudz ātrāk, nekā lietojot statisku aplikatoru.
Masāža ar Veltnīti novērš muskuļos sasprindzinājumu, iedarbojas kā „adataina duša”, veicinot atslābināšanos. 
Jāatceras, ka pirmo sāpju reakciju aizstāj patīkama siltuma sajūta, uzlabojas asinsrite, labvēlīgi tiek ietekmēta cilvēka iekšējo orgānu darbība. Aplikatoru efektīva iedarbība balstās ne tikai uz vienkāršu mehānisku iedarbību uz ādu. Adatiņas efektīvi ietekmē reflektorās zonas un akupunktūras punktus. Ljapko aplikators dod apbrīnojamus rezultātus pateicoties galvaniskās strāvas impulsam, kad adatas saskaras ar ādu, izsaucot mikroelektroforēzes efektu. Tā organismā nonāk labām dzīvības funkcijām nepieciešami metāli: cinks, varš, dzelzs, niķelis un sudrabs.
pirmo piecu minūšu lietošanas laikā relatīvi nepatīkamā sajūta no aplikatora iedarbības izmainās un, rodoties spēcīgam siltumam, kļūst par komfortablu sajūtu, patīkamām „vibrācijām”, durstīšanu. Pēc tam var rasties vispārēja atslābuma sajūta, miegainība, kas reizēm pāriet veselīgā, pilnvērtīgā miegā.
• Pretsāpju, tonizējošam efektam, darba spēju palielināšanai (dienā), kā arī novājinātiem pacientiem un bērniem aplikatora darbības laiks 5 – 15 minūtes;
• Izteiktu sāpju novēršanai, miega efektam (vakarā) – 20 – 25 minūtes. Kursa ilgums 1 – 3 nedēļas, bet reizēm pietiek ar 2 – 3 dienām.
Atkārtots kurss pēc 1 – 3 nedēļām.
UZMANĪBU! Ja diskomforta sajūta turpinās 10 -15 minūtes, aplikatorus jānoņem un drīkst lietot tikai pēc 5 – 10 stundām vai nākošajā dienā, ietverot mazāku zonu. Aplikatoriem jāizraisa tikai patīkamas sajūtas. Veltnīša adatiņas, saskaroties ar ādu, to neievaino. Ljapko aplikatorus var izmantot jebkurā vecumā.


Ražotājs: „Ljapko” Ukraina.



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